12-18 months

PLAYING: Toddler Menu Ideas and Planner

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Toddler Menu Ideas and Planner

There is a lot to consider when pulling together a healthy meal plan for your toddler. The following suggestions include most of what your toddler will need every day and will make the planning process easier. This is simply a guide - individual toddler needs will vary depending on their activity levels and age.

2 mins to read Jun 16, 2023

A healthy toddler’s* diet should include:

1 serve of protein foods per day (1 serve = 65g lean meat, chicken or fish, 2 large eggs, 1 cup of baked beans or lentils).


½ serve of fruit per day (1 serve = 150g. A ½ serve is approximately 1 small apple, a kiwi fruit, ½ banana, or ½ cup canned fruit).


1-1½ serves dairy per day (1 serve = 250mL milk, 40g hard cheese or 1 x 200g tub yoghurt).


Minimum 4 cups of water per day (water needs will vary depending on the weather and your toddler’s level of activity. An indication that they are getting enough fluid is when their urine is fairly clear to very pale-yellow colour).


2-3 serves of vegetables per day (one serve is about 75g, or ½ cup cooked vegetables, or 1 cup salad).


4 serves of grain (cereal) foods per day (1 serve = 1 slice of bread, ½ cup cooked pasta or rice, or 30g cereal).


1 serve of healthy fats (1 serve = 7-10g unsaturated margarine, nut spreads). This may be more if your child is taller or more active than most.


7 activity sessions per week, toddlers need at least 3 hours of movement daily spread out over the day. Limit their use of electronic games and television viewing.


A good sleep routine – sleep is very important for growth and development.


One happy child … fingers crossed!

Limit Discretionary Foods – while it’s ok to have ‘treats’ occasionally as part of a balanced diet, it’s really important to limit these in your child’s daily diet.  They can be too high in saturated fat, sugar or salt – none of which is important for your child’s growth and development.

If your child has a diagnosed food allergy, speak to a dietitian or doctor to ensure their dietary intake is adequate. 


Planning this week’s menu? Check out our range of toddler friendly recipes.


* The recommended serve sizes are based on toddlers aged 1-2 years as per Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.